Thursday, February 16, 2012

Welcome to Office 2010

This is an exciting time to be working with technology. Changes are occurring with what feels
like ever-increasing speed. The world is growing continually smaller, and far-away places are
more and more within our reach. Today our coworkers are almost as likely to be working on
a different continent as they are to be down the hall. Opportunities are possible now that we
couldn’t envision a few years back—more of us are telecommuting, training by webinar, and
planning projects virtually, all of which is accomplished through Web and phone access to
the tools that make it all possible.
Office 2010 was designed with evolving workplace trends in mind. With Office 2010, you
can use familiar, reliable Office applications to work more efficiently, produce better-thanever
results, collaborate in real time with peers in your office or around the world, and continue
your work from any point on the globe with Web or phone access. And even though
these are big changes, they fit easily into what you’re already doing. The tools you need to
these changes in your work efforts don’t have a steep learning curve. By adding
to the functionality of your favorite features (Print, Paste, and Picture Effects, to name a
few examples), Office 2010 helps you get more done with less effort. And the collaboration
and anywhere access features make working with anyone, anytime, a natural and intuitive

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